About Mirae Asset Investment and Pension Center

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We, Mirae Asset Investment and Pension Center, Were Created for Your Needs.

Mirae Asset Investment and Pension Center will contribute to the management of retirement assets to help our clients achieve their long-term objectives.

Today, Korean society is entering a new era of "low growth, low interest-rate, and aging". While the pace of aging is unprecedented throughout the world, the low growth and low interest rate make preparing for retirement more difficult and complicated. In this changing environment, we are required to have a more integrated approach for successful retirement.

Mirae Asset Investment and Pension Center was created in response to these needs. We have been working hard on investment and retirement related education activities so far to help our clients manage their assets successfully and achieve long-term objectives. We will continue to provide various research, information and a wide range of educational activities covering investment and pension issues in general.

  • Present Korean SocietyA new era of ‘2 lows and 1 high’

    1 High High aging rate

    2 LowsLow growth
    and low interest rate

  • Steps of Mirae Asset Investment and Pension CenterRetirement preparation research and
    educational activities
  • Our Destination
    Contribution to the investment
    management to help our clients achieve
    their long-term objectives

뉴스레터 구독

미래에셋 투자와연금센터 뉴스레터를 신청하시면 주 1회 노후준비에 도움이 되는 유익한 소식을 전해드립니다.

  • 이메일
  • 개인정보 수집∙이용

  • 광고성 정보 수신


미래에셋 투자와연금센터 뉴스레터를 구독한 이메일 조회로 정보변경이 가능합니다.

  • 신규 이메일

미래에셋 투자와연금센터 뉴스레터를 구독한 이메일 조회로 구독취소가 가능합니다.

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